"The Williamsons had everyone on their feet as they sang and celebrated the Passion Play becoming Debt Free in 23." This was the leading statement from a recent news story about the Great Passion Play's note burning ceremony in November.

Ten years ago, the future of this great destination seemed uncertain, but with a lot of work from Randall Christy, listeners of the Gospel Station Network and other contributors such as Donnie Williamson (of the Williamsons), the Great Passion Play has not only been revived but it is thriving!

Randall Christy, owner of the Great Passion Play stated, "10 years ago, the Williamsons performed at our very 1st donor banquet. This year, it was only fitting to feature them as we became debt-free. Donnie and his family are just like my own family. We have been through so much."

Donnie added, "In late 2013 I received a call from a man who was part of the Gospel Station Radio Network and he asked me if I had any contacts around Eureka Springs, Arkansas. He went on to tell me that the Great Passion Play was going into foreclosure in just a few weeks. I remembered the play from when I was just a boy and the thought of it closing devastated me. I could still recall the impact it had on my life many years earlier.

I joined with the Gospel Station representatives and we made our way to beautiful Eureka Springs. We visited, held rallies, and did a lot or praying! Within about three weeks we were able to raise some $75,000 and was able to stop the foreclosure proceedings. That was ten years ago. The bank note was refinanced on a twenty year term - and it was a big note!

We are so glad to report that we were invited back to the Great Passion Play on November 4, 2023 for a scheduled note burning ceremony - ten years early! The play has grown and 2023 set an attendance record year since the restructure in 2013. All glory goes to God but we also have to recognize the tireless efforts of Randall Christy who has overseen this production for the past ten years. What an honor it has been to be part of this great event which is designed only to bring glory to God!"

What a blessing it is to see God at work through the Great Passion Play and to know that the future is looking better than ever! If you haven't visited, we encourage you to go! To learn more about all the Great Passion Play has to offer, visit them online at