Multiple Dove Award-winning Songwriter, Dave Clark Shares About the Williamsons 

"It was so good to finally meet you and Lisa. I also wanted to thank you both for spending time talking to my daughter, Allison, that night. I asked her on the way home that night of the people she met, and who she wanted to go hear in concert. She didn't hesitate, she said, "The WIlliamsons!" She talked about the authenticity she felt and the fact that both you and Lisa seemed interested in her world as an educator as well. 

One additional note...we put in your CD to listen to on the way home and by the time the first song was finished, I told her how refreshing it was to hear a great song with a great-sounding master. I asked her who wrote "Read It Again" and she said, Lisa. All that to say, you have a couple of fans in my house and I'm sure if my wife had been with us, she would have felt the same way! Thanks for blessing us!"