June Newsletter


The King of Kings Radio Network has been broadcasting the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1987.  They began broadcasting on WTHL, 90.5 FM, in Somerset, Kentucky, and are now a 50,000-watt powerhouse with multiple stations!  To find a complete list of Les Butler & Friends Bluegrass Gospel stations, click HERE

Re-Broadcast Days and Times:

Saturday, June 3 @ 1pm CST / 2pm EST
Monday, June 5 @ 10am CST /11 am EST


The REAL Southern Gospel Radio Community

is Actually "Family"

We recently received this email from Darrell Sheeley, one of the listeners and supporters of REAL Southern Gospel Radio that has become like a member of our family! This email shows that RSG Radio is becoming so much more than just a community of listeners- it's a family!

"Do you realize what you have done? Over the last year or so you are directly responsible for bringing some dear people into my life. I knew Mike Whitman before, but not well. Well, we began talking about Les Butler and REAL SGR and now we’re dear friends that pray together and are involved in the same SG group. The following folks I didn’t know prior to knowing you. When I first met Patti Graham at your table in Manchester, KY. It was as if we were long lost friends. That night I also met The Williamsons and since then Darin Hebert and I keep in touch. One other person I met that night was Vic Graves. Talk about an encourager! We talk on the phone (just yesterday) from time to time. This past year we met Hunter and Brannigan McBride at NQC at your booth. What a sweet young couple. Hunter and I text each other about every other week. I certainly don’t want to forget the dear lady, Cheri Taylor. Marcia and I met her at your booth at NQC 2021. We have had Cheri to our church, prayed and have had meals with her and her husband, Greg. We also have contact about every other week. What I want to say is thank you for following the Lord’s leadership in the REAL ministry. It has brought some wonderful people into my life. And then certainly no “Les” important (sorry for the pun. I couldn’t help it) is our friendship. I’m grateful for you and our friendship. God bless you Brother and thanks again."

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